Freight transportation Ukraine-Europe, main trends - GLC blog
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International cargo transportation to Europe is one of the most important factors affecting the efficiency of enterprises that regularly carry out import and export operations. Due to the quarantine restrictions caused by the global pandemic, the transport services industry has shown good resilience, although some companies have had to endure volume cuts of more than 50%. With the onset of 2021, the situation on the market began to gradually change for the better, in particular, this is manifested in the activation freight transportation Ukraine-Europe. At the same time, innovations have been adopted in almost all EU countries and in the UK regarding restrictions on movement on roads in different countries, changes in trade relations, tightening of requirements for compliance with traffic rules, as well as work and rest regimes.

Overview of major changes

In order to actively work and develop, logistics companies must adapt to new conditions as quickly as possible. Potential customers should understand that all this will of course have an impact on the cost of shipping across Europe.

UK and Brexit

The government of the country, in connection with the exit from the EU, introduced a number of new rules, and posted the main provisions on the official website. Innovations concern:

  • List of required documents;
  • The procedure for passing control when crossing the border;
  • Access to ports;
  • Features of cargo insurance and some others.

Eurovignette prescription

The changes relate to reducing the maximum weight of trucks, which is subject to the fare rate. In the near future, the amount of the toll will also be adjusted depending on the level of CO2 emissions.

Unified ERRU system

On the territory of most European states, the ERRU system is being introduced, which is the same for all countries. It will evaluate the reliability of cargo carriers in points, based on recorded violations of the current rules and norms of European legislation in the field of transport, provided for by regulation 2016/403. Penalty points are awarded depending on the degree of severity, and if the threshold level is exceeded, the license can be taken away from the company.

winter tire requirements

In many European countries, and in particular in Germany and France, new rules have come into force aimed at regulating the equipping of trucks with winter tires. Here are the terms (01.11 - 15.04), as well as the requirements for marking tires that can be used during this period of time.

Increase in tolls

AT Austria, toll rates increase within 1.4% - 2%. The calculation will be based on 2 indicators. The main one is for mileage, the additional one is for air pollution (taking into account the maximum allowable values). At the same time, no additional fee will be charged for vehicles with hydrogen drive and electric motors.

Restrictions and ban on the movement of trucks at night in the Alps

Delivery of cargo from Europe, through the Brenner Pass, at night is allowed only for certain types of cargo:

  • Products with a limited shelf life;
  • Special transport for emergency medical care;
  • Delivery of printed publications;
  • Transportation of animals.

It is also allowed to move trucks (with supporting documentation) heading for loading or unloading at the railway terminals in Wörgl and Halle.

Other important points

When planning cargo transportation from Europe, it should be borne in mind that in some countries priority is given to certain types of transport, which is primarily due to concern for the environment. For example, in Denmark there are already modified rules regarding road sections, multimodal transportation and cabotage operations. In Switzerland, it is planned to gradually transfer the delivery of goods in the Alps, from road transport to rail.

In addition, the changes also affected some points of traffic rules, the rules for obtaining permits for international cargo transportation, and obtaining special permits for the transportation of dangerous goods, completing first-aid kits, RTO requirements, rules for driving vehicles in areas of automatic dimensions and weight, and some others.

Adapting to all these changes and adapting to new working conditions as quickly as possible will be much easier for large transport companies, for which delivery from Europe to Ukraine is one of the main activities.



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