Office moving services enjoy constant mobility. This happens when a company expands its business, re-profils or optimizes costs due to the crisis and quarantine restrictions that have affected almost all sectors of the economy and areas of activity. Regardless of the reasons for the office move, the main task is the proper organization of the process. It is important to meet the deadlines as soon as possible, and to prevent a long downtime in the company's activities.
Main steps
To cope with the tasks set for office relocation, it is necessary to draw up a detailed and phased plan, to coordinate all its points with the customer. After that, it remains to strictly adhere to the order of work and not violate the deadlines. Here is a list of the main stages of providing services for office relocation.
- Analysis of the scope of upcoming work and transported property.
- Agree on optimal timing.
- Selection of freight transport.
- Drawing up a budget and agreeing it with the customer.
- The signing of the contract, indicating all the important points - a list of works, terms, cost, payment terms, liability, what transport will be involved, the number of personnel, and so on.
- Preparatory stage - turning off office equipment, packing property and documentation, disassembling large-sized furniture, marking;
- Delivery of transport and loading in compliance with the rules of placement and fixation.
- Safe transportation to your destination.
- Unloading and delivery to a new office building.
- Unpacking, assembly of furniture, installation in a permanent place, switching and connection of PC and office equipment.
This scheme allows you to organize an office move in the optimal time, without major interruptions in the company's activities and at minimal cost.
Advantages of moving and cargo transport companies
As practice shows, office relocation by own employees is not always justified, and is not the best solution. This is due to the lack of necessary experience, lack of knowledge of the main features of this process, as well as the need to use it during working hours not for its intended purpose, that is, not productively. In addition, the company may not have suitable vehicles available, both in terms of technical characteristics and in terms of its quantity. Therefore, it is better to turn to professionals - moving or logistics companies that specialize in providing office relocation services.

The advantages of such a solution are:
- Providing a full range of turnkey services;
- Drawing up a work plan and strict compliance with it;
- Guaranteed quality and safety of transported items, furniture and office equipment;
- Selection of the optimal truck, taking into account many factors - the required carrying capacity and volume, the availability of special devices and devices (for example, for transporting furniture, large and heavy safes, double-glazed windows, and so on), the possibility of free access and parking, the presence or absence of obstacles, in the form arches at the entrance to the yard, tunnels, low-hanging electrical wires, gas pipelines and much more;
- Packing of property can be performed with full or partial disassembly of large-sized furniture, and using special packaging and containers;
- If necessary, all work can be performed on weekends and holidays, as well as at night, so as not to stop work processes;
- All work is carried out by the optimal number of personnel, which ensures maximum interaction between employees and reduces costs;
- Transparent and understandable pricing scheme.