Customs duties reduced in Azerbaijan - GLC - Grand Logistics Company
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Customs duties reduced in Azerbaijan

March 15, 2016

According to the head of the State Customs Committee Aydin Aliyev, customs duties on a number of types of imported products can be reduced in Azerbaijan, this mainly concerns duties on imports of components for the production of products and raw materials of Azerbaijani origin.

“We must give the green light to production in Azerbaijan. We have already submitted our proposals. Whether or not to accept them will be decided by the government,” A. Aliyev said.

Since 2001 Azerbaijan has been using a multistage differentiated tariff system with rates of 0; 0.5; one; 3; 5; 9 and 15; percent.

Today, in order to protect domestic products from the negative impact of foreign competition, the maximum customs duty rate (15%) is applied.


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