Grand Logistics Company - Full complex in the field of cargo transportation
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We provide safe delivery

About GLC

Grand Logistics Company is a group of companies ( LLC «TEK Spetstrans», LLC «TEKS Spetstrans», LLC «Grand Logistics Company», LLC «GLC Group") that has been operating in the transport and forwarding services market of Ukraine since 2007, providing a full range of freight transportation services.

We offer our clients fast freight cost calculation, prompt cargo delivery, a personalized approach and flexible pricing, high-quality customs brokerage services, favorable insurance rates, and assistance in resolving complex situations.

GLC transport is already where you need it!

We specialize in the transportation of goods of all sizes and by all modes of transport across Ukraine, the CIS, and the EU. Years of experience working with European legislation governing foreign economic activity (FEA) and close cooperation with customs brokers allow us to carry out customs clearance for our clients quickly and with minimal costs.

Regardless of the type of transportation, our mission is to ensure the safety of your cargo during transit and minimize all risks.

Your request – our solution!

Grand Logistics Company - trucking
Grand Logistics Company - Railway transportation
Grand Logistics Company - Sea Freight
Grand Logistics Company - Air Freight
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Other services of our company

Rent of Special equipment in Ukraine.

Rent of special equipment

The GLC company leases special equipment for any period: from one work shift to perform one-time work to several months or years. During the contract for the rental and services of special equipment, you will be guaranteed the entire technical service for the rented equipment.

Customs brokerage services

Customs brokerage services

The customs representative of Grand Logistics Company is a team of qualified professionals who have formed and established themselves as a reliable partner in the provision of customs brokerage services. Customs services provided by Grand Logistics Company have a number of competitive advantages.


Cooperation with carriers

On a permanent or temporary basis, we are open to cooperation with truck owners. We load vehicles in all regional centers and regional centers.

Cargo insurance

Insurance of benefits

Grand Logistics Company offers high-quality and affordable cargo insurance during transportation to anywhere in the world. Prompt settlement of an insured event, many years of experience in the market and, as a result, customer confidence.

Reviews about the work of our company

 Торговий дім "Лакмар"

 ТОВ "Амкодор-Укрспецмаш"

ТОВ "Гранд Лоджістікс Кампані" надає нашій компанії ТОВ "Амкодор-Укрспецмаш" послуги з організації вантажоперевезень з 2011 року. Аналізуючи результати спільної діяльності, можна з упевненістю сказати, що принцип роботи компанії ґрунтується на якісному наданні послуг.

Letter of recommendation: The company "Grand Logistic Company" provides services for forwarding services to LLC "ALTURA" in Ukraine, the CIS, Europe for a long period. We successfully cooperate in organizing the transportation of equipment, formwork, scaffolding.
Letter of recommendation: With this letter, the management of CHIM TORG LLC expresses its gratitude to Grand Logistic Company LLC represented by General Director Gasyuk V.Z. for the professional fulfillment of obligations in the field of transport and forwarding services.
 company "Biopreparat"
Grand Logistics Company LLC has been providing freight forwarding services since 2014. We successfully cooperate in organizing the transportation of soybeans and soybean and corn seeds.
 Telco Ukraine
LLC "Grand Logistic Company" has been our partner in the field of cargo transportation for 4 years. During this time, the company has shown its ability to approach the tasks set with full responsibility, to perform work efficiently and on time.

Grand Logistics Company - Your logistics company

Deliver vantage across Ukraine to the near abroad? Zdіysniti vantagetransportation in the shortest term? Request better tariffs for the transportation of standard and oversized, sipky, unsafe vantage, what does it need to be? Grand Logistics Company is victorious in the transportation of goods in Ukraine and the lands of Europe, SND on a vigilant mind. We are ready to ask you for the best prices, individually optimizing the route, choosing motor transport with improved features and obliging vantage. The servants rely on the contract, which is the insurance against the cost of the road, the cost and the expense of the vantage.

Grand Logistics Company - any type of cargo transportation in Ukraine and the world

Our transport company provides comprehensive customer service. With us you can send your cargo by the following modes of transport:

  • Automotive.
  • Railway.
  • Airlines.
  • Nautical.

We cooperate with leading logistics companies around the world, which allows us to organize multimodal transportation in order to deliver any cargo in the shortest possible time in the most convenient way.

Grand Logistics Company: we adhere to the rules of cargo delivery

Delivery of goods is carried out in accordance with domestic and international rules and regulations. In particular, we take into account:

  • Permissible loads on motorways.
  • Passability of the route at a certain hour.
  • environmental standards.
  • Cargo labeling rules.
  • The choice of transport in accordance with the type of cargo.
  • Ensuring safe transportation.
  • Norms of packing of cargoes of different types.
  • Compatibility of cargoes in one body, container.
  • Rules for issuing accompanying documents.

Taking into account these approved standards allows you to deliver any cargo within the time specified in the contract without damage or loss.

Our guarantees

We are a responsible carrier that guarantees:

  • Honest prices. You can find our rates on the website in the calculator.
  • Safe transportation. We provide packaging, fastening of cargo on the body, development of a safe route, professional loading and unloading.
  • Cargo insurance. Services are provided under an agreement providing for cargo insurance.
  • Development of the shortest route. The company's logistics is built in such a way that each delivery is carried out along an individually designed route.
  • Delivery monitoring. We are ready at any time to provide information about the location of your cargo.
  • Storage of goods in a specialized warehouse. If it is necessary to consolidate the cargo and in the process of multimodal transportation, we are ready to provide the services of a specialized warehouse along the route of the vehicle.

Grand Logistics Company: they trust us

We are trusted by our customers and shipping partners. This allows you to work on mutually beneficial terms. We are ready to deliver a one-time cargo or sign a contract on a permanent basis. For all questions about ordering transportation or concluding a partnership agreement, please contact us or leave a request on the website for the necessary freight transportation.

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